For the last year and a half, COVID-19 has been widely spreading around the world, and throughout this time the population has adopted several measures to stop the rise of disease cases. These measures have ranged between social distancing, use of face masks, thorough hand wash among others, but none of these create immunity against SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen that causes the disease.
The development of several vaccines against COVID-19 has helped to diminish mortality in the population, as well as the lifting of restrictions in several countries, since it is a way to prevent serious illness and hence health services saturation.
In Acceler8 Clinical Research we are committed to help to minimize the spread of COVID-19 by receiving vaccinations as soon as possible. Some of our team members have already had the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and this is one of their thoughts:
“There is no escaping COVID-19, it is every which way you turn. It is the focus of the media and with the various lockdowns and restrictions of our freedom we are constantly reminded of the risks that an infection by the pesky virus might have on us personally.
I can’t believe that for almost 18 months we have lived with the fear of the unknown. If we caught it Would we end up ill, scared and unable to see our family whilst in hospital? Would we end up suffering from long COVID? Would we be asymptomatic and unknowingly pass it on to our nearest and dearest (both young and old)?
Did we wash our hands enough, did we do it properly, does our face mask fit tightly enough, are we too close to one another, is the window open enough, did we clean all the surfaces, what about the light switches and the door handles. So many little niggles that add to the constant worries that are now the background to our lives.
Then a text message from my surgery came with the offer to book an appointment to have a vaccine.
The receipt of the text should have been a great relief but there is so much conflicting information related to the risks of having the vaccine, so instead of the jumping at the chance, there was a big decision to make, what is the right thing to do. Nobody can make that choice for you.
For me the thought of having some resistance enabling me to fight the invisible enemy, the reassurance that I would be one of millions of people worldwide and that side effects and adverse incidents are continuously monitored to ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks, all helped put my mind at ease.
The appointment was booked. The day arrived. The appointment process was flawless and efficient. Each person involved in the vaccine process kept the flow of people moving in and out of the vaccine clinic. I was told they would inoculate 500 people that morning. That is a very impressive number. The scale of the operation is astonishing.
A small scratch on my arm and that was that. Sit and wait, just to make sure all is as it should be and back to work. Later that day my arm was a bit sore and I didn’t feel my best, but not too bad, but within 36 hours all was back to normal. As my local pharmacist said after her vaccination, if you feel a little uncomfortable you know that your body is reacting, so in essence it is working. That can only be good news.
How do I feel now?
We have to still take all the precautions, but a certain weight has lifted on my shoulders. Not that I intend to let my guard down, if I do slip up, make a mistake, touch my face before washing or sanitising my hands, I don’t need to be panic stricken by my slip up as I now will have the ability to fight the enemy.
I look forward to being able to move freely without undue concern that I am putting someone at risk, or they are putting me at risk.
I look forward to being close to the ones I love, but do not live with. Catching up on all the hugs I have missed.
I look forward to being able to greet someone with a handshake.
Imagine being able to show someone something, anything, by standing close to them and pointing out the items of interest with your finger.
All of the above is possible if we all have some degree of protection.
The vaccine program will give us this.”
Acceler8 Team Member